If you use OO ALV based on the class CL_GUI_ALV_GRID, then you can hide rows using the built-in filter functionality and manipulate the filter criteria from the program with modify the main Itab.
- Add value to ALV filter Criteria
IF GV_filter IS INITIAL. "filter set condition gs_filter-fieldname = 'STATUS'. "Field Name gs_filter-sign = 'I'. gs_filter-option = 'EQ'. gs_filter-low = '@0A@'. "Filter Value APPEND gs_filter TO gt_filter. ELSE. "Appned Green items to main ALV CLEAR :gt_filter[], ENDIF.
- Set ALV filter Criteria to ALV object
CALL METHOD go_alvgrid->set_filter_criteria EXPORTING it_filter = gt_filter.
- Refresh ALV grid to apply filter;
PERFORM alv_refresh.