Do you think.. if is it possible to have the same functionality of the Excel: Press Enter and cursor will move to next row in ALV ??
- Register the ALV Edit event (mc_evt_enter) for enter
This will enable ALV event trigger option when press enter.
CALL METHOD g_grid->register_edit_event
EXPORTING i_event_id = cl_gui_alv_grid=>mc_evt_enter
- Event listener method for Edit Event
Event Handler create object g_event_receiver.
SET HANDLER g_event_receiver-handle_data_changed FOR g_grid.
- In Side the ''handle_data_changed" put in following code
DATA: lv_row TYPE i,
lv_value TYPE c,
lv_col TYPE i,
lv_row_id TYPE lvc_s_row,
lv_col_id TYPE lvc_s_col,
lv_row_no TYPE lvc_s_roid.
//Getting Current Cell
CALL METHOD g_grid->get_current_cell
e_row = lv_row
e_value = lv_value
e_col = lv_col
es_row_id = lv_row_id
es_col_id = lv_col_id
es_row_no = lv_row_no.
//Total number of tables
DESCRIBE TABLE gt_outtab LINES sy-index.
//Getting next row
lv_row_id-index = lv_row_id-index + 1.
lv_row_no-row_id = lv_row_no-row_id + 1.
//Set the Next row
IF lv_row_id-index LE sy-index.
CALL METHOD g_grid->set_current_cell_via_id
is_row_id = lv_row_id
is_column_id = lv_col_id
is_row_no = lv_row_no.
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